
Married with Children Video from Fox’s 25th Anniversary Show

Below the 4 Minutes part with the former Married with children cast from Fox’s 25th anniversary show.

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4th & 5th episode of Star-ving

Here is the 4th & 5th episode of Star-ving.
Featuring Ed O’Neill, Katey Sagal & Christina Applegate.

No things are getting done: David reads that a MWC movie is beeing shot and heads up to the shooting
location. Everyone is there but also a new Bud Bundy.


David Faustino on the Today Show

Filed under: David Faustino,Married... with Children — Daniel @ 7:31 pm

Today David Faustino was on the Today Show talking about star-ving.


Star-ving: David Faustino II

Filed under: David Faustino,Married... with Children — Daniel @ 3:36 pm

Here is the new Promo:

It seems as there have a lot of prominent people same appearances. Maybe you know these ones:


Star-ving: David Faustino

Filed under: David Faustino,Married... with Children — Daniel @ 8:15 pm

I’ve just got the information from Sony Pictures that David Faustino will be starring in a new (weekly) web series.
Here is the promo for you. Come back or subscribe to the RSS-Feed for updates.

The show is about David Faustino and what he’s doing now.
They are going to plan to make a new MwC Show and he finds out that everybody of the actors is on the show but he got replaced by another actor!

btw: First episode will air in mid January.

Gerade bekam ich die Mail von Sony Pictures, dass David Faustino in einer neuen Web Serie mitspielt.
Wöchtenlich sollen neue Folgen erscheinen. Hier ist der Promo-Trailer:


Boston Strangler: The Untold Story

Filed under: David Faustino,English — Daniel @ 7:59 am

Watch out for the latest David Faustino movie.
Boston Strangler: The Untold Story is a direct to dvd production with David Faustino as the main character.


Boston Strangler: The Untold Story is an intense true-crime thriller about Albert De Salvo, a wise cracking, small time criminal with an unrelenting sex drive, who ultimately falsely confesses to being the strangler that wreaked havoc in Boston during the early sixties. Guided by his manipulative cell mate, who knows more about the murders than he reveals, they devise a plan to gain all of the notoriety from the killings and the money from the reward. Meanwhile, Detective John Marsden, searches out the truth certain that they were not committed by one man. Fighting the bureaucracy of the day, Marsden lets his emotions get the best of him as he follows the trail of the murders



“Robin saves David”

Filed under: David Faustino,Deutsch,English,Video of the Month — Daniel @ 12:23 pm

[deutsch weiter unten]

“Robin saves David”
What could that be…? It an guest appearing of David Faustino in the 90s series “Robin’s Hoods”. It’s the episode “Memories Are Made of This”. I’ve only cut some samples together. It’s in german (there it’s called Robins Club) – it’s so boring it needs no subtitles.


Hierbei handelt es sich um einen Gastauftritt von David Faustino in der 90er Serive “Robins Club”. Vermutlich kennt niemand diese Serie welche auf Super RTL lief. Ich habe einige Szenen aus der Episode “Memories are made of this” zusammengeschnitten.

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David Faustino in RoboDoc

Filed under: David Faustino,English — Daniel @ 2:53 pm

Update (28/02/2008): The Trailer is available On the official Website

I just read some articles about the upcoming movie “RoboDoc”. David Faustino plays a main character.
The movie should start in May 2008.

Plagued by uninsured patients, greedy insurance companies, heartless health care conglomerates, and stressed out doctors, the health care delivery system is on the verge of a total breakdown – and Jake Gorman couldn’t be happier. The egomaniacal medical malpractice attorney has it all. His face adorns billboards, his ads run constantly on TV and radio, while his army of informants tip him off to profitable new cases. Suing doctors has made Jake a famous and very wealthy man. Jake never met a doctor he couldn’t sue, until now. As a cost cutting measure at its hospitals, R.I.P Healthcare has developed the perfect doctor. MD 63 (a.k.a. Robo-Doc) is a robotic doctor whose data bank contains all the medical knowledge in the world, and therefore Robo-Doc CAN’T make a mistake. Robo-Doc was designed to save both money and lives. Success would bring flawless, affordable health care to all and spell ruin for Jake Gorman.

Source: imdb.com

RoboDoc Poster
David Faustino in RoboDoc



David Faustino’s divorce finalized

Filed under: David Faustino,English,Married... with Children — Daniel @ 2:26 pm

“Married … with Children” actor David Faustino isn’t married anymore. Faustino, who played Bud Bundy on the hit TV comedy, ended his marriage to Andrea Faustino, according to documents filed Friday in Superior Court.

He filed for divorce in February, citing irreconcilable differences.

The documents also indicate the two reached agreements on spousal support, division of property and attorney fees, but further details were not disclosed.


David Faustino arrested

Filed under: David Faustino,Deutsch,English — Daniel @ 10:16 pm

David Faustino was arrested arguing with his estranged wife Andrea Elmer in the middle of the street in New Smyrna Beach Florida for possession of marijuana and public drunkeness.
Police also say they found a baggie containing about a gram of pot on him. He was booked and released.

David Faustino Mugshot

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