
“Robin saves David”

Filed under: David Faustino,Deutsch,English,Video of the Month — Daniel @ 12:23 pm

[deutsch weiter unten]

“Robin saves David”
What could that be…? It an guest appearing of David Faustino in the 90s series “Robin’s Hoods”. It’s the episode “Memories Are Made of This”. I’ve only cut some samples together. It’s in german (there it’s called Robins Club) – it’s so boring it needs no subtitles.


Hierbei handelt es sich um einen Gastauftritt von David Faustino in der 90er Serive “Robins Club”. Vermutlich kennt niemand diese Serie welche auf Super RTL lief. Ich habe einige Szenen aus der Episode “Memories are made of this” zusammengeschnitten.

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David Faustino in RoboDoc

Filed under: David Faustino,English — Daniel @ 2:53 pm

Update (28/02/2008): The Trailer is available On the official Website

I just read some articles about the upcoming movie “RoboDoc”. David Faustino plays a main character.
The movie should start in May 2008.

Plagued by uninsured patients, greedy insurance companies, heartless health care conglomerates, and stressed out doctors, the health care delivery system is on the verge of a total breakdown – and Jake Gorman couldn’t be happier. The egomaniacal medical malpractice attorney has it all. His face adorns billboards, his ads run constantly on TV and radio, while his army of informants tip him off to profitable new cases. Suing doctors has made Jake a famous and very wealthy man. Jake never met a doctor he couldn’t sue, until now. As a cost cutting measure at its hospitals, R.I.P Healthcare has developed the perfect doctor. MD 63 (a.k.a. Robo-Doc) is a robotic doctor whose data bank contains all the medical knowledge in the world, and therefore Robo-Doc CAN’T make a mistake. Robo-Doc was designed to save both money and lives. Success would bring flawless, affordable health care to all and spell ruin for Jake Gorman.

Source: imdb.com

RoboDoc Poster
David Faustino in RoboDoc



Katey Sagal @ Whoopi & Celebrity Profile

For the video of the month I’ve added today two videos with Katey Sagal.

Katey Sagal at the Whoopi Show:

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Katey Sagal Celebrity Profile (not complete – only 27:20 of ?? min):

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