
Star-ving: David Faustino

Filed under: David Faustino,Married... with Children — Daniel @ 8:15 pm

I’ve just got the information from Sony Pictures that David Faustino will be starring in a new (weekly) web series.
Here is the promo for you. Come back or subscribe to the RSS-Feed for updates.

The show is about David Faustino and what he’s doing now.
They are going to plan to make a new MwC Show and he finds out that everybody of the actors is on the show but he got replaced by another actor!

btw: First episode will air in mid January.

Gerade bekam ich die Mail von Sony Pictures, dass David Faustino in einer neuen Web Serie mitspielt.
Wöchtenlich sollen neue Folgen erscheinen. Hier ist der Promo-Trailer:

1 Comment

  1. Well… I hope it will not be lame :D

    Comment by ARMAN — 12/17/2008 @ 10:53 am

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