
David Faustino at the RTL Nightshow

Here something special – at least for english speaking peoples.
David Faustino in the RTL Nachtshow (Nightshow) with Thomas Koschwitz.

I’ve subtiteled the german questions from the talkmaster.
David Faustino zu Gast bei der RTL Nachtshow bei Thomas Koschwitz.

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David Faustino at the RTL Nachtshow
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David Faustino Divorcing

Filed under: David Faustino,English — Daniel @ 8:01 pm

David Faustino wants to be unmarried without children.

Citing the standard irreconcilable differences, the 32-year-old star of Married … With Children filed for divorce from his wife of three years, actress Andrea Elmer Faustino, 31, according to court papers.

The couple, who have no children, separated last May. Faustino is seeking not to pay spousal support, according to the papers filed Tuesday in Los Angeles.

After meeting at a spiritual center in Los Angeles, the couple dated for five years before marrying at the last minute on Jan. 24, 2004, in the Little White Wedding Chapel in Las Vegas.

David Faustino and Andrea Elmer  /></p>
<p>Source: http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20011038,00.html</p>
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