
Release Date Season 6 RC2

Filed under: DVD,English,Married... with Children — Daniel @ 6:27 pm

SPHE (Sony) Germany has just comfirmed to me, that Season 6 (RC2 Disc-Set) will be released in August 8th.
That’s only 3 months after Season 5.

Sony also told me that they have planned to release the seasons in a shorter periode.

Of course they want to release the seasons uncutted/not syndicated.

Deutsche Version

1 Comment »

  1. Nur ein kleiner hinweis: es heisst nicht: confirmed to me.. sonder nur blah blah confirmed, that usw.. achja und es heisst uncut und nicht uncutted.. .. delete diese mail wieder.. wollts dir nur sagen

    Comment by Stephan Klose — 6/23/2006 @ 5:47 pm

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