
VotM #1/2011

Filed under: Deutsch,English,Video of the Month — Daniel @ 6:29 pm


New year new Video of the Month – it’s been a long time very long time since the last one!

Christina Applegate @ the Pat Sajak Show

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RTL Easter-Weekend Teaser

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  1. wow THANK YOU Daniel!!! Christina is such a sweetheart. Its 1989 or 1990 judging by the Streets realese.

    Comment by ARMAN — 1/22/2011 @ 5:18 pm

  2. Great stuff, thanks!!

    Comment by Shoe Dick — 1/22/2011 @ 7:41 pm

  3. Thanks so much for uploading!! :D
    Crossing my fingers that there might be some more on the way? :D

    Comment by Mike — 2/1/2011 @ 9:03 am

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