
Season 4 – Detailed Information

Filed under: DVD,Married... with Children — Daniel @ 7:41 pm

Today I got detailed information about the forth MWC DVD-Set.
Release Date: 30th August 2005
Number of Disks: 3
Number of Episodes: 23
Running Time: 511 Minutes
Special Features: None

Additional information:
Again we don’t have the original theme on this DVD-Set.
It’s the same as on season 3.
There are no specials on this volumes. Only some trailers (The King of Queens, Newsradio , Rescue Me, The Partridge Family, Seinfeld, Bewitched TV).
But it’s very sad that Sony put syndicated episodes on this disks. All in all the cut about 20 minutes (2-3 min. on seven episodes).

I hope that maybe the european version of has the uncutted episodes.

Personly I wouldn’t buy this Season on DVD so that Sony sees that they can’t sell such dvd-sets to fans.


  1. SYNDICATED CUTS?!? It’s bad enough they replaced all the music on those syndicated repeats, and it’s bad enough they changed the theme song, but I expected more from the DVDs. I also expected more from the action figures… did you see these?



    They’re supposed to be doing more but ehhh. Neat though.

    Comment by Darryl Satchmo — 8/19/2005 @ 1:48 am

  2. No, I haven’t seen this new versions.
    I wouldn’t buy them.

    Comment by site admin — 8/19/2005 @ 7:11 pm

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