
MWC News in Hungary

Filed under: English,Married... with Children,News,Rumors — Daniel @ 10:52 am

Yesterday I got an email from an hungarian MWC-Fan.
Unfortunately I deleted it (damn online webmail) before I sent an answer – if you are the sender, please send me that mail again.

He wrote, that MWC is still a great success in Hungary and that a tv-station/studio (?) has bought the rights (or tries to buy?) to re-produce the episodes.

He also send me a photo of a store in Budapest called “Al Bundy”. And guess what kind of store it is – yes, it’s a shoe store!

So maybe he reads that and sends the mail again, or maybe some other hungarian fan can tell us more about it.


  1. Hey!

    about the shoeshop… Well, I went to Romania a few years ago, to the city of Craiova, and there was an “Al Bundy’s” shoeshop there also.

    Took a photo in front of it but, sorry, don’t have it with me now.

    Nice work!

    Comment by Martin — 9/7/2006 @ 7:02 pm

  2. Hi Martin!

    Maybe you can send me the foto and the e-mail once again to the same e-mail addresse.

    Comment by site admin — 9/14/2006 @ 8:40 pm

  3. there was “Al Bundy” shop right in the center of Prague too but i havent seen it anymore, maybe its on some other adress :(

    Comment by ARMAN — 9/24/2006 @ 9:56 pm

  4. Hi!
    I’m a MWC fan from Hungary (probably not the one who send you the mail), so I can tell you some information about the new show here.
    One of the channels (called TV2) bought the rights to re-produce the episodes, the show starts Tuesday in tv (17 of october).
    http://www.tv2.hu/cikk/131721/ here you can find some pictures from the first episodes.
    And about the shop, it’s in the centre of Budapest, maybe I can make a photo when I’m around there again.

    Comment by Andrew — 10/15/2006 @ 5:53 pm

  5. Hi Andrew!

    Thanks for your post.
    I’ll put that news in the blog in the next days.
    Do you have any infos about the episodes.
    Are they the same as the original ones – or are the new ones?

    A photo of the shop would be great.

    Comment by site admin — 10/15/2006 @ 8:07 pm

  6. There isn’t much info about the new episodes, but they won’t be exactly the same. The main story will be kept but they have to change the time(about twenty years passed from the begining of the original series:)) and the cultural backgroud(yeah we are not the usa:))
    I hope I can see the first episode next week, maybe I can give you more informations that time.

    Comment by Andrew — 10/15/2006 @ 10:04 pm

  7. Hey! I’m from Hungary too. The first episode has already aired, the lines and everything was the same. Only the lady who played the Hungarian Peggy could battle with Katey Sagal’s performance, but she wasn’t that good either. I really didn’t like the episode.

    Comment by Kate — 10/19/2006 @ 8:51 pm

  8. Hu all Hungarian Folks – Thanks for your feedback!

    I’ll make a post in the next few days.
    Maybe I’ll find somewhere a short clip/sequence of the hungarian version.
    Btw: What’s exactly the title (in hungarian, and maybe also translated) of the show.

    Comment by site admin — 10/19/2006 @ 9:56 pm

  9. I postes a short note in the blog: http://blog.albundy.net/?p=80
    More news in the next days.

    Comment by site admin — 10/20/2006 @ 5:12 pm

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